  • 美国供不应求的五个专业人才

  • 时间:2013-08-12 14:11:28 点击:0次
  • 编者案:在经济萧条的今天,许多人面临着下岗待业的命运。尽管如此,技术类、销售、医疗保健类工作岗位还是供不应求,未来几年情况将更加明显。凯业必达董事长Brent Rasmussen建议员工通过在职培训、正规教育增强技能。2013年5月14日到6月5日,凯业必达围绕最紧缺人才问题在线调查了2000多名HR,。研究发现,软件开发人员、工程师、市场营销专员、IT经理、网络管理员为美国缺口最大的五个专业。
    Which jobs are the hardest to fill and in need of workers now? Which professions are experiencing strong job growth and present good opportunities for the unemployed, underemployed and workers looking to make a career change? CareerBuilder provides insights on where to look.
    "Although the recession created an abundant pool of readily-available, unemployed talent that still exists today, employers are struggling to find new employees for technology-related occupations, sales, healthcare and a variety of other areas," said Brent Rasmussen, president of CareerBuilder North America.
    Two in five employers (41 percent) reported that they continuously recruit throughout the year, so that they have candidates in their pipeline in case a position opens up down the road, pointed Rasmussen.
    "The skills gap that exists for high-growth, specialized occupations will become even more pronounced in the years to come, prompting the need to place a greater emphasis on reskilling workers through formal education and on-the-job training," added Rasmussen.
    The study began with a nationwide survey, which was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of CareerBuilder from May 14 to June 5, 2013, and included more than 2,000 hiring managers and human resource professionals.
    In the study, CareerBuilder asked employers to identify the hardest-to-fill positions within their organizations that stay open 12 weeks or longer.
    CareerBuilder paired the list of occupations with job growth data provided by Economic Modeling Specialists (EMSI) to showcase the number of positions that were added post-recession.
    Among the jobs that were cited as most difficult to fill are listed below:
    Software Developer
    * 103,708 new jobs
    * 11.2 percent growth
    * 73,995 new jobs
    * 4.9 percent growth
    Marketing Professional
    * 57,045 new jobs
    * 11.3 percent growth
    IT Manager/Network Administrator
    * 48,709 new jobs
    * 7.5 percent growth
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  • 文理学院

  •  在大部分美国人心目中,文理学院往往代表着经典、小规模、高质量的本科教育。许多文理学院的学术声誉往往不亚于哈佛耶鲁等名校,因而成为很多美国贵族教育子女的首选。





  • MBA

  • MBA是很多有志留美人士的终极梦想,而国内还很少有机构可以做成这类申请。





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