
首页 > 留学申请 > 本科 > 社区大学 > 哈佛级别名校 > 哈佛大学

  • 哈佛大学是美国最早的私立大学之一,是以培养研究生和从事科学研究为主的综合性大学,哈佛大学的正式注册名称为:The President and Fellows of Harvard College,总地址是Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge。     
    • 学校简介
    • 申请解析
    • 学术生活
    • 学生评价
    • 哈佛大学是美国最早的私立大学之一,是以培养研究生和从事科学研究为主的综合性大学,哈佛大学的正式注册名称为:The President and Fellows of Harvard College,总地址是Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge。

          哈佛大学每年大概有3万5千名申请者,只有2158名学生被录取,录取率为6.2%。被录取的学生大概60%能获得奖学金,金额为4万美金每年。就标准化考试而言,被录取的申请者在SAT考试中,50%的人在Critical Reading取得满分,50%的人在Math取得满分,10%被录取的学生班级排名第一。被录取的学生中留学生比例是10%。


        44% Performing Arts(44%有表演艺术经历);

        35% Involved Student Government(35%参加过学生会);

        21% Social Science(21%有研究调查经历);

        19% Media Communication(19%有传媒行业经历);

        56% Good at Sports(56%擅长体育).

        面试时,最受面试官关注的几个品质是:Love of learning(热爱学习), Intellectual Curiosity(有求知欲), Brilliant(有才华), Substantial School-wide, regional recognition, devotion to society and leadership(有爱心,有领导力). 除此之外,面试官最关心的是:Has the students experienced painful growth?面试官比较关注学生的Failure Story(失败经历)。

        面试得分为1-5,1为录取,5为申请失败。面试官们在面试之后必须做出决定,并写一个Report,这个Report要detail录取或者拒绝这个学生的理由。面试官在做决定是,主要参考以下因素:Academic performance(学术表现), SAT&TOEFL, Extra-curricular(课外活动)and personal characteristics(个人品质)。





















      Life is alright. As a computer science major, I probably spend more time cooped up doing work than other people. I like the house system. It's great to have upperclassmen living on campus, and the system does a good job of fostering a sense of community. Cambridge is a fantastic city to live in. I don't think you can really do much better in terms of location, unless you absolutely can't stand cold weather. Anything you could possibly want is nearby and the T is an incredibly convenient public transportation system. You wouldn't want to be driving around Boston, anyway. Some people complain about the party scene, other people seem to be pretty happy with it. To be honset, I don't party, so I really can't judge.

      GREG Junior


          大三学生GREG :生活还不错。作为一个计算机科学专业的学生,我大概比别人花更多的时间闭门工作。我喜欢校舍系统,他很好的让高年级学生住在校园里并且培养了社区意识。住在剑桥城的感觉是梦幻的。你真的找不到更好条件的地理位置,除非你受不了寒冷的天气。任何生活问题都可以就近解决,这里还有便利的公共交通系统。你也就不需要开车逛波士顿了。一些人抱怨这里的派对生活,另一些人觉得这很美好。老实说,我不参加派对,所以我没法评价。



      The best thing about Harvard is the different types of people here. Like everyone has a different view on everything and everyone is passionate about something and willing to learn about other things. It seems like everyone is here to get something out of college. I think Harvard is just the right size and I love the sense of community that groups and clubs create. People usually try not to freak out when I tell I go to Harvard and it becomes awkward. Sometimes they do freak out and it still becomes awkward. It's just...always awkward. I love the fact that there are other schools around so that you can assert your superiority. Haha, just kidding. But it's great to have other schools cuz you can mix it up and go to their parties and take them to your parties.

      FAHMI Freshman






      Harvard is completely overwhelming. In every way imaginable: academics, socially, extra-curricular-wise, etc, and it's extremely important to stay grounded and true to yourself. It's easy to feel completely overshadowed by everyone, and the best mentality is to celebrate the achievements of everyone around you while figuring out your own path and interests. The town around is great - Cambridge has some great stores/restaurants, and it's a nice break from campus. The best thing about Harvard is the people you meet - I've met some truly extraordinary people here, all of whom are talented and passionate about what they do.

      GRACE  Sophomore







  • 里士满大学

  • 里士满大学成立于1830年,是私立学校。本科以商科和法律著称。学校为学生提供非常多的研究机会。





